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Indian Monsoon Malabar Water Half Caf - Classic Pods

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Indian Monsoon Malabar Water Half Caf

Classic Pods


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OU Kosher Certified Royal Water Process ROYAL WATERPRO CESS DECAF Water Process Decaf


This Indian Monsoon Malabar Half Caf coffee is a rich and chocolatey blend of our Monsoon Malabar and Monsoon Malabar Water Decaf coffees. These select coffee beans are evenly blended and roasted together to provide a smooth and well rounded cup with half the caffeine. 

The traditional method of "monsooning" creates a specialized flavor that coffee lovers will not find anywhere else than Indian Malabar coffees. Both components of this excellent half caf coffee used the monsooning method to recreate the original conditions of coffee beans being transported in the hulls of ships. Modern day monsooning is done in warehouses and creates a distinctly rich and earthen flavor. 

This single-serve coffee is compatible with many popular K-Cup® brewing systems. "Keurig" and "K-Cup" are registered trademarks of Keurig Green Mountain, Inc. Fresh Roasted Coffee LLC is not an affiliate nor licensee of Keurig Green Mountain, Inc

Indian Monsoon Malabar Water Half Caf - Classic Pods

Roast Level

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light dark

Medium roasting introduces Maillard (browned and deep) notes to the cup, such as spice, caramel, and toasted nuts. Medium roasts may feature a little oil on the beans.

Indian Monsoon Malabar Water Half Caf - Classic Pods

Roast Body

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Bold Body

Bold-bodied coffees have a heavier, thicker mouthfeel, which is often accompanied by stone fruit and chocolate notes.

Cupping Notes

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A coffee’s process describes how the seed (aka the coffee bean) is separated from the coffee cherry. Popular methods include washed, dry, and honey, but there are many other processes that put special emphasis on different aspects of these methods.

The washing process

Washing Process

The drying process

Drying Process

Patio sun-dried
The varietal type

Coffee Varietal

Kents, Cauwery


Harvest and export times are based off when a particular coffee will be at its peak quality. Cherries picked at the start of the harvest season tend to be underdeveloped, and those picked at the end are often overdeveloped, so producers aim for that sweet spot in the middle.


Dec - Mar


Jan - June
Landscape in India.


On a ship sailing the Cape of Good Hope from India to Europe, a legendary coffee process would be discovered by accident. During transport, constant humidity and ocean winds caused by the Indian monsoon season made the coffee beans swell, change texture, and take on a pale-yellow color. These “Monsooned” beans were ...

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