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Anniversary Blend - Classic Pods

*Packaging may vary

Anniversary Blend

Classic Pods


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OU Kosher Certified


Anniversary Blend is a delicious artisan blend crafted to commemorate Fresh Roasted Coffee's third wonderful year of business. This bold-bodied, medium roast coffee is bursting with rich strawberry and mild citrus flavor and has a bright, espresso-like finish. Thank you to all of our loyal customers, we appreciate you!

This single-serve coffee is compatible with many popular K-Cup® brewing systems. "Keurig" and "K-Cup" are registered trademarks of Keurig Green Mountain, Inc. Fresh Roasted Coffee LLC is not an affiliate nor licensee of Keurig Green Mountain, Inc

Anniversary Blend - Classic Pods

Roast Level

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light dark

Medium roasting introduces Maillard (browned and deep) notes to the cup, such as spice, caramel, and toasted nuts. Medium roasts may feature a little oil on the beans.

Anniversary Blend - Classic Pods

Roast Body

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Bold Body

Bold-bodied coffees have a heavier, thicker mouthfeel, which is often accompanied by stone fruit and chocolate notes.

Cupping Notes

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Mild Lemon


Artisan Blend

Anniversary Blend is a blend of coffees from Central America, South America, Africa.
