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El Salvador Finca Hungria

Read time: 1 min
Coffee tree in El Salvador
FRC Team Member Oct 20, 2021

We're thrilled to share some reviews by the best in the biz, Coffee Review! In addition to the 26,000+ site reviews from customers like you (yes, you), this is a huge milestone for us. Thank you so much! We'd be happy to live in your daily cuppa forever.

Organic El Salvador - Roasted Coffee

El Salvador Finca Hungria

Reviewed: September 2021

  • Aroma: 9
  • Structure/Acidity: 8
  • Body: 8
  • Flavor: 9
  • Aftertaste: 8
  • Overall Rating: 92

“Blind assessment: Sweetly nut-toned. Hazelnut, red apple, baking chocolate, magnolia, molasses in aroma and cup. Sweet structure with gentle, round acidity; crisp, lightly satiny mouthfeel. Nut-toned finish with crisp chocolate undertones.

“The bottom line: A friendly, accessible El Salvador cup with richly sweet nut tones as the aroma and flavor anchor” (Kenneth Davids, Coffee Review, September 2021).

What Are Professional Coffee Reviews?

Coffee Review reviews differ from normal reviews in that they are conducted by certified Q Graders—coffee sommeliers who evaluate coffees, assign them individual cup scores, and essentially produce a handbook for each coffee. Q Graders are licensed by the Coffee Quality Institute (CQI) and follow the Specialty Coffee Association's (SCA) evaluation methods.

This creates a universal language that roasters and coffee enthusiasts all over the world can understand and depend on. It also helps clearly define specialty coffee.

What Is Specialty Coffee?

For a coffee to be considered "specialty," it must score above an 80—anything lower is simply not graded. Coffees scored between 85 and 89.99 are considered excellent and anything higher than 90 is considered outstanding.

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