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Tiger Nebula Artisan Blend - Espresso Capsules

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Tiger Nebula Artisan Blend

Espresso Capsules


Tiger Nebula Artisan Blend - Espresso Capsules

You're staring into your hot, dark cup of Tiger Nebula, Fresh Roasted Coffee's mysteriously named espresso blend. You take your coffee with cream and after just a splash the blend in your cup transforms into another universe - the swirls of cream against the rich blackness of the steaming cup look like something, but you can't quite place it. What in the world could it be? Fresh Roasted Coffee found the answer - it isn't anything of this world. This espresso roast reflects the lighter, more fanciful Nebulae in deep space. Emission Nebulae are known for their intense heat, outrageous orange and red colors and pure radiance. Tiger Nebula, a lighter, brighter roast, is so good we know there's nothing in the Milky Way like it, or in the other countless galaxies for that matter.

These new & improved Nespresso® OriginalLine-compatible aluminum capsules allow Tiger Nebula to sparkle with its mild, smooth body and thick crema. Whether you're pulling a single shot or making an espresso-based beverage, Tiger Nebula is an excellent choice and an FRC office fav.

Contains 100% Arabica coffee, no additives, artificial flavors or preservatives.

This single-serve coffee is compatible with most Nespresso® OriginalLine brewers including: Essenza Mini, Essenza Plus, Pixie, CitiZ, Lattissima, KitchenAid, and Creatista. Not compatible with Nespresso® VertuoLine machines. Nespresso® is a registered trademark of Society des Produits Nestle S.S. Fresh Roasted Coffee LLC is neither affiliated with nor a licensee of Society des Produits Nestle S.S.
