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Pumpkin Spice Should Be a Year-Round Thing

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Pumpkin Spice Should Be a Year-Round Thing
FRC Team Member Sep 07, 2021

In terms of café drinks, there's not much to look forward to in spring, summer, or winter. The first half of each year is basically dedicated to the same old same old as shops build hype for the second half, where things really go off. During the winter, sure, you've got your gingerbread lattes, peppermint mochas, and pine tree ristrettos—all great drinks that people fiend over, but the hype train is only a few cars long. (And tbh, those cars aren't even that nice.)

The Pumpkin Express, though, is never-ending. Unlike every real-life train, people savor every second they spend sitting at the railroad crossing of The Pumpkin Express. Shout out to the train homies who liked that analogy. What is pumpkin spice, exactly? If you don't know, check out this article. It's simple, but it has changed my life.

My point is that pumpkin season is buck wild, and I'm 100% guilty of participating. This time of year, the only thing on my mind is pumpkin. I'm getting Pumpkin Spice Lattes (known to the fandom as “PSL”), pumpkin spice tea, pumpkin roll, cheugy pumpkin shirts—when the pumpkin patch pops off, I come unhinged. If you're reading this, there's a good chance your mug has a pumpkin on it. 'Tis the season, baby.

The only travesty of pumpkin time is that it comes but once a year, so pumpkin lovers like yours truly are left to rot (not unlike a pumpkin) in anticipation until next year. According to the green mermaid, pumpkin season spans from August 24 through October 31. That's only 68 days of pumpkin! Who let a mythical fish-person dictate the popularity of spooky squash?

If you're like us, 68 days is not long enough! Thankfully, Positively Tea realized this early on, which is why you can enjoy our Organic Pumpkin Spice black tea 365 days a year! Made with all organic ingredients, this tea is a warming blend of black tea, marigold petals, and natural pumpkin spice flavor. It's a fan favorite, perfect for not only cozy autumn weather but for any time you're longing for the crunch of multicolored leaves and a cool breeze.

Pumpkin Spice isn't just the best flavor ever, it's also a state of mind. According to Live Science, our obsession with pumpkin spice might be directly linked to nostalgia. Growing up, there was always pumpkin pie in my parents' fridge in the fall, sometimes as many as four. It's kind of a universal experience that's ingrained in our culture because it's delicious, easy to make, cheap, and commonly enjoyed with others. In fact, 35% of Turkey Day observers say pumpkin pie is their favorite. Take that, apple.

And that figure's only for a single day. Why can't it be more days? Market research says pumpkins are only popular four months out of the year, peaking between September and October when the pies are flowing, and pumpkins are getting carved for Halloween. If pumpkin and pumpkin spice bring us so much joy, why should we limit ourselves? Alan Jackson said, “too much of a good thing is a good thing.” We firmly believe in spreading pumpkin cheer all day, every day. It's the way it should be.

For a Pumpkin Spice Tea Latte (PSTL), simply steep your Pumpkin Spice tea in our handy Brew Basket per the instructions on your bag, remove the tea leaves, add warmed milk, and top with a little whipped cream and cinnamon. Like your lattes on the dirty side? Add a shot of espresso (we recommend something spicy like Dark Nebula) for a DPSTL—or would that be PSDTL? We're considering making an iced version just so we can get a vowel. Autumn is also notorious for overly complicated acronyms, but we LYLAS.

Our Organic Pumpkin Spice black tea is your liquid getaway to the good times. Plus, it costs less than an iced venti PSL, so you can keep the pumpkin times going long after your drink turns to pumpkin-y water in your cupholder. For all the diehard pumpkin spice fans, we sell a 1 LB. bag of the stuff for under $20. According to Marlena, our resident tea aficionado, 1 LB. is “a lot of tea.” Even better, buying loose-leaf means (obviously) more tea for your money and less plastic and paper waste that unfortunately end up in landfills. Good for you, good for the planet.

Don't wait for autumn to fall back in love with pumpkin spice.

1 Comment

  • SO
    Sherry O'Brien

    I purchase it by the pound. It’s my favorite pumpkin inspired brew. Love that it’s organic but still full bodied. Yum! For me Pumpkin Season is September through December with it really shining mid October to Thanksgiving.

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