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Organic Frostbite Cold Brew - Roasted Coffee

*Packaging may vary

Organic Frostbite Cold Brew

Roasted Coffee


FRC Cold Brew - Frostbite Organic Blend

When the temperature spikes and the chill of January is nothing but a distant memory, cool off with organic* Frostbite Cold Brew. Unlike the kind you can get in the winter, this Frostbite is something you'll enjoy - and won't require medical attention (though Frostbite may give you a serious case of brain freeze.)

Dark chocolate and nougat sweetness with a bright red apple and lavender aromas make this cold brew extra special. Delicious all by itself or with your favorite mixers. Fall into a glass of Frostbite Cold Brew and be reinvigorated.

Store cold brew in the fridge for up to a week - but it's so good it won't last nearly that long!

12 oz., 2 lb., and 5 lb. Cold Brew Blend, Cold Brew Ground

Pre-Ground and Ready to brew in your Toddy, Asobu, or Hario Cold Brew maker!

12 oz., 2 lb., and 5 lb. Cold Brew Blend, Whole Bean

Grind it how you like it! (Insider info from the FRC Office - Frostbite is also delicious as drip coffee and espresso.)

For best results when using a commercial cold brew maker, follow the directions specified by the manufacturer.

*Certified USDA Organic by Pennsylvania Certified Organic, 2023.
