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Ethiopia Odo Shakiso

Kayon Mountain Natural

Katelinne H.

Friday, November 22, 2024

Updated January 14, 2025

Kayon Mountain Natural

Fresh Roasted Coffee has selected a true standout for their February 2025 Roaster's Choice: Ethiopia Odo Shakiso - Kayon Mountain Natural. This exquisite brew, cultivated in the birthplace of coffee, offers a flavor as rich as its history. Here's everything you need to know about this selection. 

Grower: Kayon Mountain Coffee Farm PLC
Region: Odo Shakiso District, Guji Zone, Oromia Region
Cultivar: Indigenous cultivars 74110 and 74112
Harvest: October 2023 - January 2024
Altitude: 1800-2100 masl
Process: Full natural
Drying: Dried on raised beds
Roast Level: Light
Roast Body: Mild
Cupping Notes: Strawberry, Marshmallow, Rose

A Legacy of Excellence

Established in 2012, Kayon Mountain Coffee Farm PLC is a large farm in the Guji Zone's Odo Shakiso District of Ethiopia. Under the watchful eye of major shareholder and founder Ismael Hassan, the Kayon Mountain Farm has become widely known for producing high quality coffee and utilizing sustainable practices in its farming processes.

Kayon Mountain Coffee Farm -looking down on  rows of drying tables

Kayon Mountain Coffee Farm holds both Rainforest Alliance and USDA Organic certifications. Their commitment to organic farming includes using compost and natural fertilizer, much of which is produced in their own nursery. 

In the nursery, Kayon Mountain cultivates not only native trees, but also coffee seedlings to provide 135+ outgrower farms with coffee plants. The relationship between Kayon Mountain Coffee Farm and these outgrower farmers is mutually beneficial. Kayon offers seedlings, as well as training in coffee cultivation, and the outgrowers utilize Kayon Mountain's mill for the processing of their own cherries. 

Bed of young coffee plants under tree cover

Of the 500 hectares that makes up Kayon Mountain Coffee Farm, only half are used for coffee cultivation. The other half preserves a wild forest ecosystem dominated by acacia trees, as well as other native species. Their shade grown arabica coffee benefits greatly from this practice.

Kayon Mountain's impact extends well beyond coffee production and forest preservation. Employing over 325 full-time and seasonal workers, Kayon Mountain Coffee Farm offers competitive wages and free transportation for its employees. It also finances local schools, administrative buildings, and road infrastructure.

Two employees sorting freshly picked coffee cherries

Additionally, they are actively helping the community transition from wood and coal to electricity through infrastructure projects, further combating deforestation and paving the way for more sustainable energy practices. 

A Glimpse Into Ethiopia's Coffee Heritage

Ethiopia is the birthplace of Coffea Arabica and boasts a coffee culture unmatched anywhere in the world. Nearly 20% of global coffee farms are found in Ethiopia, where coffee generates 24% of the country's export income. What makes Ethiopian coffee truly special is its diversity - a blend of naturally evolved local landraces (naturally occurring coffee varietals) and high quality varietials developed by the Jimma Agriculture Reasearch Center (JARC). 

JARC's selections, such as the 74110 and 74112 cultivars used by Kayon Mountain, are celebrated for their resistance to diseases like coffee berry disease, as well as the exceptional flavor profiles that these coffees are globally known for. These cultivars trace their lineage back to Ethiopia's wild coffee forests, where hundreds of native varietals thrive. Many coffee varietals cultivated worldwide can trace their origin back to the coffee forests of Ethiopia. 

Ripe coffee cherries hanging from tree

Coffee Cultivation at Kayon Mountain

Both varietals 74110 and 74112 are descendents of Ethiopian landraces (or heirloom) coffee. Developed by JARC in the 1970s, these varieties were selected for their resistance to coffee berry disease and their ability to thrive in Ethiopia's unique climate and soil. JARC's work ensures that farmers produce healthy coffee plants, improving their yield and ensuring the highest quality beans. 

Coffee cherries drying on outdoor tables
Basket of freshly picked red coffee cherries

Coffee quality can be evaluated by two main components - cultivation and processing. Once Kayon Mountain's prized coffee cherries have ripened, employees handpick from 9am-5pm. This hands-on method ensures that each cherry is of the quality that the world has come to expect. 

Kayon Mountain's natural coffee processing begins the day the cherries are picked. They are carefully dried on raised bed and rotated regularly to ensure even drying. This meticulous process enhances the coffee's vibrant fruity and floral flavor.

How Do I Get This Coffee?

Fresh Roasted Coffee’s Roaster’s Choice program is your gateway to discovering the world’s finest coffees. February 2025’s Ethiopia Odo Shakiso – Kayon Mountain Natural is no exception. Its vibrant flavors, sustainable cultivation, and rich heritage make it a perfect choice for coffee connoisseurs and casual drinkers alike. Order a Roaster's Choice subscription before February 10th, 2025 to try if for yourself!

Fresh Roasted Coffee LLC offers Roaster's Choice coffees in bagged coffee as well as classic pods. Subscribers can choose from  3-, 6- or 12- month subscription plans.


Ready to savor the unparalleled flavors of this month’s Roaster’s Choice? Order your bag of Ethiopia Odo Shakiso – Kayon Mountain Natural today and experience the magic of Ethiopian coffee at its finest. Limited quantities available, so don’t miss out!


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