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Gen Z Hates Instant Coffee, Milk Frothing Automation, and Fermented Profiles

Gen Z Hates Instant Coffee, Milk Frothing Automation, and Fermented Profiles

Could automatic milk frothers replace the classic steam wand? By Jenna Gottlieb for New Ground “High-quality frothed milk is a standard expectation at specialty cafés. The way in which it is executed can be an important deciding fa...

A London Fog in a glass mug in front of florals and a French Vanilla syrup bottle.

London Fog's Backstory, Peruvian Agroforestry, and Rotating Green Coffee

What Is A London Fog? By Liz Clayton for Sprudge “As to London, Sprudge was unable to identify any cafes serving a London Fog in London. One local source we consulted told Sprudge that they had ‘no idea what this is’ and were ‘appa...

Map of the United States covered in coffee beans on a field of flowers.

Compost Tea, Long Live Robusta, and Boosting US Coffee Consumption

US coffee consumption is low – do Americans need their own ‘hora del café’? By Agnese Sokolovska for Coffee Intelligence “[Each day] between 4pm and 5pm, the Honduran Institute of Coffee (IHCAFE) encourages everyone to stop what th...

A Hawaiian island with a wasp and beetle in the foreground.

Dude, Where's My Eugenioides, Wasps vs. Beetles in Hawaii, and How Caffeine Energy Works

Whatever happened to Eugenioides coffee? By Sarah Charles for Coffee Intelligence “During the 2021 World Barista Championship final, you could hear the excitement in Diego Campos’ voice as he described his winning coffee to the jud...

A neon sign.

Neon Coffee Art, the Flat Red, and Drones in Coffee Production

All Neon Like: The Glowing, Glorious History of Neon Coffee Art By Jenn Chen for Sprudge “Neon and coffee go hand in hand, bathing your favorite cup in a soft glow. Today it’s part of a wider interior design milieu: the living plan...

A line of hanging ibrik.

POV: Middle Eastern Barista, Double Fermentation, and WBC Plant Milk Rule

What’s it like to be a specialty coffee barista in the Middle East? By Samantha Hernandez for Perfect Daily Grind “According to data from Project Café Middle East 2023, the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) branded coffee shop ma...